Six time of life ago I looked out into the Atlantic Ocean on New Years Day with dismay in my bosom and indecision in my life. I had been unemployed from a "" organization two weeks closer with single two weeks of severance, no life insurance for my two teen offspring and with the sole purpose two months of fund in the dune. My married woman and I had fair endowed both monetary unit we had and even took out a second security interest on our familial and $20,000 on a acknowledgment card to amenable what would be the prototypical Moe's Southwest Grill in Florida. The eating place was set to embark on January 13th and we had no terrestrial concept how we would pay our locale security interest and other than bills since I considered on conformation my salary and job time my managers reinforced the eating house enterprise. Now, it was New Years Day and I had no job, no net and a restaurant first showing that at lowest would fall short disconsolately or at unexceeded run months to be profit-making.

I musing of all this as I up to go underwater into the icy unheated water-to income a representative duck that this would be the year of NO FEAR. Regardless of the surroundings I was facing, this would be the time period wherever I would belongings and go for it. This would be the time period I would be forward in appointments and belief and submissive in fundamental nature. No longer could I do it alone. Now I requisite a natural event and I would, as the saying goes, nick whereabouts as if my in store depended on me and pray like it depended on God.

By track and field into the body of water I was declaring to God, myself, the world and my relations that no longer will I let concern to cut off the rush of rife and beneficial life in my natural life. No longest will I permit terror to inactivate me. No longer will I permit my prehistoric cynical programming to declare complete my airwaves. I would decide on to judge that everything happens for a foundation and have confidence that by some means it would all career out. Instead of distress I would trust.

Most recent instances:

Years later, today, January 1, 2007 I jumped into the water once more. It has become my ritual- to cue myself to move my passion, survive life span to the fullest and to stop one stair in the lead of the start that hovers around me. And as I walked out of the water, refreshed, energized, and grateful, I thought just about all the race who publication this news report and wished you could hop in with me and quality what I cognisance.

So this time period I call you to get into 2007 next to me- peradventure not in the ocean but in the depths of your psyche. This hurdle doesn't needfully require wet but a bit a jump of conviction in your assumption rules and a repositioning in your mental attitude. The remedy to shock is trust and it is single a plan away. No one is active to push around you over and done with the chasm of struggle to the duration that you want. God will jog you but you must purloin the jump. You essential get this spring in your awareness and afterwards next to your activities. You essential engender this hop next to trust, determination and belief. After all, they don't call upon it a spring of terror. They phone call it a "leap of faith" for a judgment.

You will e'er have a feeling shock. Everyone will. But the elemental strategy to retrieve is that your property must be bigger than your shock. The large your belongings the small your disquiet becomes. And the more you belongings the much you turn a passage for miracles. A consulting job presents itself out the dark blue and you can now pay the mortgage, a keep an eye on comes in the mail, the true organism shows up, opportunities inst themselves, few how, some way you are carried and specified the uncertainty to do the tough grind you were dropped to do.

We genuinely lonesome have one vivacity to before a live audience. We only have one chance. We sole have one point at a juncture to discover the energy we were whelped to stay alive. All you have to do is submerge in next to all that you are and all that you desire to become. Jump into 2007 with me and let's concoct an surprising beingness both.

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